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 Before knowing about upselling techniques, you must think that additional income is most often associated with increased advertising. However, it is only a part of the truth. Upselling in retail can help you gain more profit than just focus on advertisement. Because advertisement will cost you a lot of money, especially in the retail field.

So, how do upselling in retail? What are the techniques required? How to do it on your eCommerce website or online if you haven’t had an eCommerce website?

Everything will be solved in this article! Let’s see!

What does upselling in retail mean?

Upselling in retail is the practice of getting customers to purchase a higher-priced version of the item they originally came in to buy. 

Retail sales are traditionally targeted at one of two customer groups, the high-value, higher-margin group, and the low-value, higher-volume group. Upselling in retail can sometimes generate a loss for the retailer if the customer doesn’t complete the transaction.

Upselling techniques in retail are particularly prevalent in the car-buying market. Before a car purchase is complete, a retailer is more than likely to suggest additional accessories or options that were not on the initial buying list.

What is the “Rule of Three” upselling retail?

Just as you don’t want to let your customers walk out of your store with a single-item purchase, you need to use the upselling technique.

The “Rule of Three” is the practice of showing customers three items during the upselling stage:

  • The one they asked for, which is your “baseline” item.
  • An alternative version of the item that’s a little pricier.
  • And, finally, a “dream” version of the item that’s likely out.

Let’s explore them in details

The “Baseline” item

The “baseline” item is the first item that you would introduce to your customer. It can be an existing product that your store sells or a new product. The “baseline” item must be clear. Your customers will know the name, size, price, the original product that it’s the replacement for, etc. And, in fact, a customer will have a more likely conversion if the “baseline” item matches their shopping preference.

This is a good practice to build value for your products, especially for later upselling in retail, because: Having this “baseline” item will help them become familiar with the concept of “value of the product”, “price and value”. They will be less skeptical of your pricing system.

Customers will have a shopping experience more efficient. They won’t spend time investigating the product’s name, price, and even the original product it replaces.

No “baseline” item?

If you don’t have a “baseline” item, it means you haven’t set a proper “baseline” item yet. You may have chosen a product, but it’s not clear how much it is and how much it’s worth. If you choose to show one product, try using the search bar to find your “baseline” item in your store and identify the size and price.

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