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 For Shopify store owners, building a reliable team to assist with online business management is paramount. Empowering your business associates with admin user roles is an excellent way to delegate responsibilities effectively. Nonetheless, it's crucial to execute this process securely to safeguard your store's data and information. In this article, we'll take you through the step-by-step procedure of adding an admin user to your Shopify store, and we'll also offer valuable insights on handling user permissions and maintaining security.

Below are some explanations of Shopify Admin user, check out our full tutorial on how to add an admin user to Shopify store here:

Understanding the Role of an Admin User

In the context of a Shopify store, an admin user possesses complete access and control over various aspects, including settings, products, orders, customers, and other pivotal facets of the business. Admin users enjoy the highest level of permissions, enabling them to oversee all operations, such as adding or removing products, creating discounts, processing orders, handling payments and shipping, and configuring the store's design and settings. The Shopify admin resides in the backend, accessible through the website or the Shopify app.

How to add an admin user to Shopify store

Multiple admin users can exist within a single Shopify store, each having their unique login credentials and access levels. This flexibility allows store owners to distribute responsibilities among team members or external collaborators while maintaining ultimate control over the store's functions. However, it's essential to manage admin users judiciously by limiting access exclusively to those who require it to prevent unauthorized alterations or breaches of sensitive data.

Every Shopify plan includes provisions for admin users, but the capabilities and features accessible in the admin interface may vary depending on the specific plan. For instance, the Shopify organization admin, which streamlines user and role management, is exclusively available with the Shopify Plus plan.

Distinguishing Between Shopify Organization Admin and Standard Shopify Admin

The Shopify organization admin is a specialized feature accessible only to Shopify Plus plan subscribers, while the standard Shopify admin is open to all Shopify users. The Shopify organization admin caters to larger businesses that operate multiple stores, offering organization-level management and control. In contrast, the standard Shopify admin is well-suited for smaller businesses that manage a single store.

Delving deeper, the Shopify organization admin allows users to oversee multiple stores from a centralized location, whereas the standard Shopify admin provides control over one store at a time. This distinction arises from the Shopify organization admin's inclusion of features like Analytics Overview, User Management, and Store Management, which grant organization-level access and control over numerous stores. Users can execute actions such as adding new users to the organization, managing store-level access and permissions, and assigning roles that combine organization-level access with store-level permissions. Conversely, the standard Shopify admin offers access to store-level functions, such as product management, order processing, customer relations, and store customization.


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