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 eCommerce is not only well-known, but it has also become a requirement for businesses seeking to establish stable revenue streams. Despite this, a significant number of eCommerce businesses fail each month; what factors contribute to this? The knowledge regarding omnichannel customer experience (CX) is what online retailers lack the most. This aspect has received increasing attention over the past few years, but during COVID-19, its prominence has skyrocketed. Due to the inclement weather, all business transactions were conducted online. This highlighted the significance of implementing a superior CX across all eCommerce sales channels.

Magenest – Adobe decided to host a webinar to share our expertise and experience of grappling with the post-COVID situation, as well as how to make the most of the 2022 year-end sales season by creating the optimal omnichannel CX for your businesses. This webinar was held in September 2022, with Mr. Joel Pham, CEO of Magenest, and Mr. Willie Tan, Senior Solution Consultant from Adobe, serving as the primary speakers. These topics were presented in the webinar:

The significance of an excellent omnichannel CX

Described the significance of an exceptional omnichannel customer experience (CX) in the digital era, particularly during the holiday shopping season.

Enhance omnichannel CX throughout the customer journey

Representative from Magenest described the customer journey, the three main areas of omnichannel customer experience (CX), and how to enhance them in preparation for end-of-year sales campaigns.

Seasonal preparedness

After COVID-19 in Southeast Asia, the Adobe speaker presented knowledge and case studies on optimizing omnichannel CX for year-end sales seasons and the best eCommerce practices.

Q&A session

Adobe and Magenesst's representatives responded to queries from the audience. 

The webinar was held successfully and concluded with a variety of positive participant responses.

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