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Webinar: Customer-centric eCommerce - The Key to Success in the Mega Sale Season

 Entering the year-end Mega Sale season, the eCommerce website becomes one of the main sales channels for businesses to connect and transact with customers.

Focusing on optimizing customer experience (customer-centric) on an eCommerce website is an important factor to create a convenient shopping environment and optimize every touch point on the purchasing journey.

With the goal of helping businesses achieve maximum growth during the year-end Mega Sale season, Magenest, OnePay and AWS coordinated to organize the webinar Customer-centric eCommerce: The key to success in the Mega Sale season.

Our webinar will cover the following topics:

1. Market trends and tips for Mega Sale season

Overview of eCommerce market trends by the end of 2023 and tips for optimizing customer experience.

2. Customer-centric eCommerce application

How to build Customer-centric eCommerce through improving customer experience and optimizing every touch point on the purchasing journey.

3. Hyper Personalization

Design hyper-personalized customer experiences with AWS AI & Machine Learning technology.

4. Optimize online payment transaction

Capture changes in user payment behavior, thereby creating the most convenient payment experience.

Our webinar will be taken place at 2p.m on October 31, 2023. This is an online event held on Zoom platform.

Stay tuned for our next updates!


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